VIS(企业视觉识别系统) |
VI基础部分 |
项目/Project |
备注/Remark |
一、标志Logo |
标志标准彩色图形 The standard color graphics of the logo |
标志标准黑白图形The standard black & white graphics of the logo |
标志释义The interpretation of the logo |
标志标准制作网格图Standard grid chart of the logo |
标志标准制作规范Standard guideline for the logo |
标志最小使用规范Standard guideline for logo minimization |
标志使用不可入侵范围Clear space of the logo |
标志单色使用规范/单色反白Monochrome graphic of the logo/monochrome inverted |
二、标准色Primary Colors |
标准色 Primary Colors |
辅助色系列 Secondary Colors |
标准色及辅助色使用规范 Guideline for primary and secondary colors |
标准色、辅助色色阶Color gradation of primary and secondary colors |
色彩搭配专用表 Color matching chart |
三、标准组合Standard Combinations |
标志标准中英全称文首选使用规范 Guideline for standard combination of the Chinese and English name |
标志标准中英文文全称组合首选使用规范不可侵入范围 Clear space of standard combination of the logo and Chinese/English name |
标志标准中英文全称可选使用规范(横排)Guideline for optional combination of the Chinese and English name (horizontal) |
标志标准中英文文全称组合可选使用规范(横排)不可侵入范围 Clear space of optional combination of the logo and Chinese/English name(horizontal) |
标志标准中英文全称可选使用规范(竖排)Guideline for optional combination of the Chinese and English name (vertical) |
标志标准中英文文全称组合可选使用规范(竖排)不可侵入范围 Clear space of optional combination of the logo and Chinese/English name(vertical) |
标志标准中英文简称首选使用规范 Guideline for standard combination of the logo and Chinese/English abbreviation |
标志标准中英文简称首选使用规范不可入侵范围 Clear space of standard combination of the logo and Chinese/English abbreviation |
标志标准中英文简称可选使用规范(横排)Guideline for optional combination of the Chinese and English abbreviation (horizontal) |
标志标准中英文简称可选使用规范(横排)不可入侵范围 Clear space of optional combination of the logo and Chinese/English abbreviation(horizontal) |
标志标准中英文简称可选使用规范(竖排)Guideline for combination of the Chinese and English abbreviation (vertical) |
标志标准中英文简称可选使用规范(竖排)不可入侵范围 Clear space of optional combination of the logo and Chinese/English abbreviation(vertical) |
四、印刷字体Printing Font |
印刷用中文专用字体 Chinese printing fonts |
印刷用英文专用字体 English printing fonts |
五、辅助图形Supplementary Graphics |
辅助图形 Supplementary graphics |
辅助图形标准制作网格图 Standard grid chart of the supplementary graphics |
辅助图形色彩应用扩展 Additional color usage for the supplementary graphics |
六、错误应用Examples of wrong application |
标志错误应用范例 Example of wrong application of logo |
标志名称组合错误应用范例 Example of wrong combination of logo and name |
The function of Basic Part of VI is to ensure the logo can be fully and strictly used and displayed in different places,so all the items in Basic Part are essential in application and none of them can be dispensable.
VI应用部分 |
项目/Project |
备注/Remark |
一、文具系统/Stationary |
名片 Business card |
信纸 Letter paper |
中式信封(DL)Chinese envelope (DL) |
中式信封(C5)Chinese envelope (DL) |
中式信封(C4)Chinese envelope (C4) |
西式信封(DL)Western envelope (DL) |
西式信封(C5)Western envelope (C5) |
西式信封(C4)Western envelope (C4) |
便笺 Memo pad |
活页夹Loose leaf clip |
彩色资料袋 File bag |
彩色资料盒 File box |
笔记本 Notebook |
二、服装系统/Staff Uniform (logo在服装中的应用/Logo be applied in uniform ) |
高层管理人员冬装 Uniform of senior management staff(Winter) |
高层管理人员夏装 Uniform of senior management staff(Summer) |
中层管理人员冬装Uniform of mid-level management staff(Winter) |
中层管理人员夏装 Uniform of mid-level management staff(Summer) |
员工冬装 Employee Uniform (Winter) |
员工夏装 Employee Uniform (Summer) |
销售人员冬装 Uniform of sales staff (Winter) |
销售人员夏装 Uniform of sales staff (Summer) |
遮阳帽 Cap |
广告衫 T-shirt |
三、环境系统/Environment and Signage |
楼体标志与名称标识 Logo and company name signage on the body of the building |
部门铭牌标准样式 Nameplate at the gate |
会议室形象墙 Image wall in the conference room |
前台背景墙 Background wall of front desk |
四、广告系统(特指标志在广告载体的应用)/Advertisement ( Guideline for logo be applied on vehicle) |
报纸广告标识应用规范(整版) Newspaper AD.(Full page) |
报纸广告标识应用规范(半版) Newspaper AD.(Half page) |
报纸广告标识应用规范(通栏)Newspaper AD.(Banner) |
报纸广告标识应用规范(半通栏)Newspaper AD.(Half banner) |
报纸广告标识应用规范(栏花)Newspaper AD.(Column) |
杂志广告标识应用规范 Guideline for Logo in Magazine AD. |
楼顶广告牌标识应用规范 Billboard on the top of the building |
护栏灯箱广告标识应用规范 Guardrail lightbox advertising |
候车亭灯箱广告标识应用规范 Bus-shelter lightbox advertising |
户外广告标识应用规范 OOH |
五、印刷出版物系统/ Printed Pulication |
A4企业画册封底/封面规范 Guideline for corporate brochure |
业务宣传折页封底/封面规范 Guideline for poster foldout |
海报规范 Guideline for poster |
六、礼仪系统 ( Logo be applied on presents) |
礼品笔 Pen |
礼品表 Watch |
礼品打火机 Lighter |
专用烟灰缸 Ashtray |
礼品伞 Umbrella |
礼品钱包 Purse |
礼品皮带 Strap |
礼品盒 Gift Box |
七、运输系统/Transportation |
轿车标准样式Standard sedan type |
客车标准样式Standard bus type |
货车标准样式Standard wagon type |
八、多媒体系统/Multimedia |
Word标准样式 Template of Word |
PPT标准样式 Template of PPT |
表格标准样式 Form |
传真纸标准样式 Template of cover page of fax |
邮件格式标准样式 Template of Email |
九、会议系统/ Conference |
邀请函 Invitation Card |
背景板 Backboard |
参会证 Certificate |
台牌 Table Card |
水牌 Directory |
十、人力资源系统/HR |
聘书标准样式 Letter Of Appointment |
奖状标准样式 Letter Of Merit |
礼金信封标准样式 Envelope Of Cash Gift |
十一、附属品/Accessories |
胸徽标准样式 Badge |
胸卡标准样式 Name Tag |
工作证标准样式 Employee's card |
参观证标准样式 Visiting card |
纸杯标准样式 Paper Cup |
CD盘贴标准样式 Standard pattern of CD label |
手提袋标准样式 Standard pattern of handbag |
旗帜标准样式 Flag |
桌旗标准样式 Table Flag |
工作单据标准样式 Documents |
培训证书标准样式 Training certificate |
合同标准样式 Contract |
宴会桌卡标准样式 Table Card for Banquet |
台历应用规范 Calender |
钥匙牌应用规范 Key Card |
圣诞卡 Christmas Card |
贺年卡 New Year Card |
防撞条/隔离带 Isolation strip |
顾问/Consultant |
标准取费/Service Fee: |
培训导入/Training and Introduction |
长期顾问/Consultancy |
其它/Others |
标准取费/Service Fee: |
制作加工/Manufacture and Production |