


赏析 | 品牌 | 墨西哥ANTAAL酒店LOGO品牌及VI设计

∧ 墨西哥ANTAAL酒店标志LOGO设计:太阳、与地球交互,结合了日食、视野、地平线及新的开端等元素艺术设计而成.

∧ 墨西哥ANTAAL酒店标志标准字设计

∧ 酒店画册设计-封面设计

∧ 酒店画册设计-封面 封底及内页设计

∧ 酒店画册设计-封面 封底 内页及跨页设计

∧ 酒店宣传手册设计-封面 封底设计

∧ 酒店画册设计-酒店名片设计

∧ 酒店信封设计

∧ 酒店环境空间设计


该项目的优越位置即是酒店每天早晨都可以在墨西哥的享受第一缕阳光。这种非凡的自然环境充分激发了酒店品牌命名的过程。古代玛雅语的创造性融合忠实地代表了该项目的精神。Antaal-Antal + Tahal-以其名义结合了行动和概念,如醒来、出生、生活和新的开始; 所有与太阳升起有关的概念。

Antaal is located on one of the finest seafront lots Puerto Cancun—Quintana Roo’s signature master-planned community—can offer. All year long, these luxury residences are caressed by the turquoise water and white sands of the Caribbean. 
The development’s remarkable location allows the property to enjoy the first rays of sun in all of Mexico every single morning. This extraordinary natural setting fully inspired us to begin the naming process. We discovered that a creative integration of ancient Mayan words faithfully represented the spirit of the project. Antaal—Antal + Tahal—hosts in its name a combination of actions and concepts such as waking up, being born, life and new beginning; all notions related to the rising sun.
We created a custom font to reflect the brand’s personality and created a project launch campaign. For the icon, we also took inspiration in the sun and its relation with the earth, and we played with the idea of eclipses, horizons, and of course, new beginnings. Among other design pieces which form part of the project’s overall branding, we produced Antaal’s main brochure and stationery.